Saturday, April 02, 2005

Mark Goes to the Movies

Sin City (dir. Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller) It may just be coincidence, but it takes some cojones to open a movie, one day after St. Terry's passing and (maybe) one before St. John Paul II's, in which one of the antiheroes kills two priests (one through the grate in a confessional). Also, to release a movie guaranteed to be the coolest fucking movie the 14-year-old males in the audience who are attending with their big brothers will have seen all year at least until the new Batman comes out this summer. For the rest of us, it has the odd effect of being very faithful to the look and shot framing of the original stories but, given Rodriguez' gleefully cheap aesthetic, looking more like Ed Wood than Ed Dmytryk. And, of course, two hours of unremitting beatings, dismemberments, disembowelments, empalements, and other tortures, played for laughs, interspersed with babes out of a Maxim or Grand Theft Auto whose #1 and #2 virtues (in order) are willingness to have sex and being major hardasses. So the question to ask is: are you a 14-year-old male or not? Mark's review (stupid points): ??


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