Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sandra Day O'Connor's Retirement and Reproductive Choice

While I sure as hell don't trust the bunch of clowns in control of the Executive and Legislative Branches to give two rips about women's right to choose, I'm intrigued by the argument in this article: that even some of the people on the list of O'Connor's possible replacements regard Roe (at least in their public statements on the subject) as settled law. Again, that doesn't mean that Bush won't nominate someone who's out to reverse Roe outright. But it does mean that at least one source of political conventional wisdom recognizes that if Roe gets reversed, a real shitstorm will ensue. And just maybe those soccer moms who felt "safer" with Bush Jong-Il at the controls will recognize who they were really voting for when they elected all those Rethugs in '04.


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