Saturday, October 15, 2005

Listening: Dandy Warhols

The Dandy Warhols, Odditorium or the Warlords of Oz, and it works the same four or five drone-o rock moves from the drone-o rock bag of tricks in skillful and varied enough fashion that you'd almost think Capitol isn't throwing their money away. (They say they're huge in Europe.) Besides the drone-o hooks, I like how sex goddess and new mom Zia McCabe is the most delightfully extraneous bleep and bloop keyboardist since that weird guy in Pere Ubu. (Also the most important tambourinist since Ringo.) And on this one how they figure, what the hell, they make music for druggies so they let the songs jam on in dubwise psychedelic fashion for 7 and 8 minutes at a pop. With a guy that sounds like Miles on a hundred Quaaludes playing trumpet! Mark's review: ***½


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