Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Voice of the Rabble

Whether or not you agree with Ned Lamont's politics, I think one thing is indisputable: Joe Lieberman was one fat and happy U. S. Senator. You can tell he figured he'd phone in another campaign and no one except little old Jewish ladies and his big pharma/insurance/bank/defense donors would pay the slightest bit of attention. How? By the fact that he was caught 100% flat-footed by Ned Lamont's guerilla campaign. Future Political Science dissertations will be written on how Lieberman managed to blow as sure a Senate seat as you can find, but I'll bet they find the crux of the matter is that Joe had nobody on the ground. Joe didn't even have anybody thinking about being on the ground. By the time it was time to put the foot soldiers in action, he was 10 points down. He deserved to lose just for stupidity and complacency, let alone his French-kissing the Prez and sticking the shiv into his own party at every oppoertunity.

And one thing more: Lamont may have won by less than four points. But he knocked off a U. S. Senator that typically got 60% of the general election votes and had for the past 18 years. And Lamont did so in the primary. That's a hell of lot bigger a victory than anyone (including, apparently, the less-than-gracious loser) in the Liberal Media is likely to realize or concede.


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