Friday, November 25, 2005

Who Better?

If anyone knows about producing disasters, this guy does.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ashley and Mary Kate Go to Auschwitz

Teen People--for teens who are proud to be white!

A Thanksgiving (And Other Holiday) Heroine

Ruth M. Siems, R.I.P.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Spending Priorities

"It's not a pay raise. It's an adjustment so that they're not losing their purchasing power."

- Tom DeLay (R-TX), Speaker of the House of Representatives

Damn shame about those poor people getting kicked off food stamps--but you know, we gotta tighten the belt somewhere. There's a war on!

Bad Gays! Bad!

But straights who love children, please sign up today!

Fair and Balanced

Presenting every point of view approved by the Republican National Committee on their own private airwaves.

Update: I think the last paragraph of this note sums it up nicely.

Rock and Roll Quote of the Day

I mean, look at what's happening in Paris right now. Part of me wishes I could just go into the streets and say, y'know, "What the fuck? Here—here's a Marshall; here's a Strat." That's the beauty of rock 'n' roll: It's a voice.

- Patti Smith

Monday, November 21, 2005

Annals of Capitalism 3

Hmm...wonder how many executives are included in this plan? No, wait--maybe some who'll take a bonus cut?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Great Leader's Faithful Lieutenants Defend the Wisdom of His Rule 2

"Yet in Washington you can ordinarily rely on some basic measure of truthfulness and good faith in the conduct of political debate. But in the last several weeks we have seen a wild departure from that tradition."

Vice President Dick Cheney, speech to Frontiers of Freedom Institute's 2005 Ronald Reagan Gala, 11/16/05

I think he's pretty much right, except for using the word "weeks" instead of "years."

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Geek Corner: Boneheaded Software of the Week

Noble defenders of intellectual property, RIAA: consumers everywhere salute your and your allies' ceaseless efforts to protect the interests of millions of small and deserving artists worldwide!

Dowd Takedown!

Gawd...a woman this vivid, alert, and no-bullshit sure makes The Great Red-Haired One (no, not Julianne Moore) look like the overpaid dilattante she is.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Great Leader's Faithful Lieutenants Discuss His Masterful Strategy for Achieving The Dominion of Freedom and Democracy

"Mistakes were made."

- Sen. Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum (R-PA) discussing the Iraq War effort in the wake of President Bush's speech 11/11/05

Friday, November 04, 2005

Every Great Leader Has A Great Strategist Who Helps Him Implement His Noble Visions for His Subjects 4

Say...where the hell are all those rats going?