Friday, August 31, 2007

If I were Larry Craig

Wouldn't it be awesome if his speech tomorrow said something like this?

My fellow Americans: My recent experience has made me reconsider many assumptions I had about myself, my life, and my conduct. My values are the values of the people of Idaho. I believe in almighty God and in the Holy Bible he gave us as a guide to living our lives. When votes on contentious social issues came up, I was a dependable vote on the side of traditional values.

Now I have come to realize a truth I cannot anymore deny. I am a homosexual American. I have the deepest conflict within my heart between my belief in God's judgement of this lifestyle, as made explicit in the Pentateuch, and my own undeniable nature. I have come to recognize how my conflict played out in my political career: for a certain class of voter, warnings that their children were vulnerable to deviates in their churches, their schools, or their neighborhoods were a main motivator of voting patterns. I was only too happy to oblige their fears.

I believe the use of "values" as a wedge issue has been deeply damaging to people such as myself who believe that government has no business dictating our most private and intimate relationships. No one of any sexual orientation should be denied a job, a home, and safety from harrassment. Let us disagree about public issues that affect us all; let us agree that we affirm individuals' right to live their lives the way they choose.


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