Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Great Leader Displays His Mercy and Compassion Toward His Subjects

Or: it takes one to know one!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Poke the Xters With a Stick 3

Donald Wildmon, go back to fleecing your flock!

We Love Great Leader! 25

And we don't know what the hell "margin of error" means, either!

"Ann Darrow is in good hands."

One of my favorite screen crushes, about to get mega-famous. And I can't think of a more deserving candidate.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Talkin' 'bout my g..g...g...

As an official member of the boomer generation, I do not believe it was intended for us to die. We were special right from the get-go — dying wasn't part of our script."

- Dr. Terry Grossman, author of The Baby Boomers' Guide to Living Forever

Dude! Tell it to the dinosaurs!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


This morning while i was waiting for the waffles to toast, I had the song "Born to Be Alive" going round and round through my head. I must be tapping into a disco wavelength in the galaxy because tonight while working on my final presentation, the deejay at KALX reminds us that Sylvester died in December 16th and reminded us what an exemplar he wss as an out black gay man in the 1970s. Plus this track they're playing is soulful enough to make me want to hear more.

Oh, and so you can rock your next party, here are the lyrics to Born... Born... at the end of this profile:

Monday, December 05, 2005

Poke the Xters With a Stick 2

And a Happy Holiday to all! (Thx to The Stranger's blog, Slog, for the pointer.)

We Love Great Leader! 24

And want someone new who will take the office he holds!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Next up in health and science news: Alcohol makes you drunk!


Friday, December 02, 2005

Why Won't the Liberal Media Report the Good Things About the Iraq War?

Like this (a most welcome story on a day like this one). (Thanks again to Wonkette.)

Annals of Capitalism 4

Yup, GM slides toward bankruptcy--and it's all the fault of those greedy unions. (Pointed by Tapped.)

Poke the Xters With a Stick

What, they haven't read the Song of Solomon? (Original post from Wonkette.)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Conservatives: Restoring Dignity and Modesty to Popular Culture

I say we should just kill the pretty ones at 25--and the ugly ones before they're old enough to reproduce.

Best ever rock woman's response to "Show us your tits!"

“On our last tour [in the U.K.] guys would yell out, ‘Show us your tits.’ But the good thing is that I usually have something to say that shuts them up. The second time I heard that, I was like, ‘I’m not gonna be responsible for showing you your first pair of tits. So keep it in your pants, buddy.’ And the whole crowd just started laughing and applauding."

- Annie Hardy, Giant Drag

Would it make any sense to describe her as some hybrid of (old)(good)Liz Phair with Fiona Apple and pinches of Cat Power and Courtney Love for flavoring? No, I thought not...